24 Hour Comic 2008

Me showing off one of my Comic Pages! Shazam!

24 Hour Comic 2008

This years 24 hour comic was great! I was able to create a 24-page comic in 23 hours. With the help of my wonderful girlfriend Consuelo. The best inker around! It was organized by 7000 BC and True Believers the local comic shop here in Santa Fe, NM. After 23 hours we created a fully inked comic book titled “Aliens and Heroes”. This was truly a great test of creativity. There was a great turnout here in Santa Fe. Over 25 fellow comic artists. I met a lot of cool people. After producing 24 pages in as many hours I feel a higher sense of confidence in my comic-creating ability.

Here’s a link covering 24-Hour Comic here in Santa Fe. I’m even mentioned in one. http://24hcd.blogspot.com/2008/10/santa-fe-just-about-wrapped-up.html

This blog post was originally published on my other website Comic Book Graphic Design and has now been migrated here to RSC Arts, Ralph’s Art Blog.

Author: Ralph Contreras

A Journey through Art and Making Comics. Ralph Contreras is a comic book nerd who enjoys creating art. Ralph’s artist blog, RSC Arts is where he shares his creative process, insights, inspirations, and comics

One thought on “24 Hour Comic 2008”

  1. Found you via Twitter –
    Nice blog and especially dug your photo journal of 24 HOUR COMIC DAY – we should really organize that through our Illinois stores – looked at 24 HOUR COMIC DAY and saw the date hasn’t been set for 2009 though.

    Nice job – looks like you had a blast!

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